Friday, February 10, 2012


For any avid reader out there who hasn't yet checked out my new book, Burning the Bible, try reading it in the next couple of days! Until the night of February 13, Burning the Bible will be available to Kindle readers at no cost. Click on this link and it will take the free promo page for Burning the Bible. Enjoy!
-Courtney M. Crass

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Glimpse at the Backcover of Burning the Bible

Sodom and Gomorrah have come to pass yet again. This time, it is up to one man to find a truly good person in order to save mankind from the Lord's wrath. Finding a good person is more difficult than Daemon originally expected it would be when he volunteered for the monumental task. Believing that an ideal person would withstand the lure of temptation, Daemon tempts the unfortunate souls who cross his path-until he meets Esperanza.

Disillusioned and broken by his search, he finds himself falling more in love with her. After so many years of having his ideals crushed, he wants to just surrender and start anew-but can he? Can he let humanity down for the sake of one girl? Has he found-after all this time-the one incorruptible person? Uncertain if he can see another seemingly good person fail, he makes a decision that ultimately alters both of their lives forever.

Burning the Bible in Now Available

After a long, arduous editing process, Burning the Bible has finally finished the publishing process!Burning the Bible is available through the hyperlink, on and Kindle. It has been a tiring process, thank you to everyone who supported me through this and helped with all of the editing!